Our outreach ministry places Blue Bins outside of the church before each Saturday evening and Sunday service. We collect new T-shirts, underwear, sports bras, and socks, which we then donate to St. Joseph Center in Venice. St. Joseph Center distributes the items to clients when the clients come for showers and support services.
To learn more, email Ellen Cerniglia or reach out via Flocknote.
OLM hosts an Annual Thanksgiving Dinner food collection event for families in need. Be a part of the team that collects items at church and organizes the canned and packaged goods for distribution. This project supports the St. Joseph Center Holiday Project for local families in need.
To learn more, email Ellen Cerniglia or reach out via Flocknote.
The Our Lady of Malibu Mexico Mission brings truckloads of much-needed food provisions to the impoverished city of La Morita, Mexico in the Municipality of Tijuana. The group makes three trips annually to the area and works in conjunction with the local church, run by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
Our Mexico Mission Ministry makes trips to La Morita three times a year bringing 10 to 12 truckloads of food items including rice, beans, cereal, and canned foods, as well as personal hygiene items and baby products. Packing and loading the trucks takes place at OLM on the Friday before the trip, with the help of many volunteers. We depart on Saturday morning from OLM, normally around 6:00 a.m. The group secures two 14-passenger vans with drivers for those interested in making the journey with us.
Our Lady of Malibu Prayer Shawl Ministry began in the fall of 2009 and has donated shawls to countless parishioners in need of our prayers. In recent years, compassion and the love of knitting have been combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches those in need of comfort, solace, and joy.
We give prayer shawls to those in need of comfort in times of stress or loss and bereavement as well as to those undergoing medical procedures or during illness or recovery.
The shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient, with these intentions continued throughout the creation of the prayer shawl. Ministry members pray many blessings into every stitch. Upon completion, the shawl receives a final blessing and is given to someone in need of spiritual strength. These shawls remind the recipient, tangibly, that the loving arms of our Lord wrap around them.
To join this ministry, or if you know of someone in need of comfort, please email Birute Anne Vileisis or reach out via Flocknote.