Marriage is based on the consent of the contracting parties who freely give themselves, each to the other, mutually to live a covenant of faithful and fruitful love. The sacrament signifies the union of Christ and the Church. It gives spouses the grace to live with the love that Christ has for his Church. The grace of the sacrament strengthens the human love of the spouses and the unity of their marriage and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life.
OLM offers spiritual and practical preparation for the couple as they undertake the Sacrament of Matrimony. The couple should contact their parish priest at least seven months before the desired wedding date to begin wedding preparation. The couple will also meet with the OLM pastor who will prepare them for their wedding ceremony at our Lady of Malibu. The couple's parish priest and the OLM pastor guide the couple through the marriage preparation process.
Please submit our online Marriage Intake Form to get more information about marrying at Our Lady of Malibu.